Jetset: A Game for Airports
A mobile game for the frazzled globetrotter in all of us.
About Jetset: A Game for Airports

Jetset is a game about air travel with a satirical twist. It was the first game of its kind, a mobile game for business travelers. Keep up with the changing rules of airport security on your iPhone or iPod touch. Play in airports to earn unique souvenirs to keep, give to friends, or redeem for prizes.

The challenges of today's airport security make business and pleasure travel increasingly difficult. Security is there to make you feel safe and get you to your plane in one piece. However, today's regulations change frequently and are often different from airport to airport. Now, you too can stand in the shoes of a security agent trying to avert terrorism while getting everyone through a checkpoint quickly. This is a game that's just as fun as waiting in line — and one you can play in line as well.

Even better, when you play in one of the 100 world airports included in the game (from Albuquerque to Waco), you can win custom-made, collectable, digital souvenirs from each one. No longer will you be guilted into buying an overpriced gift for friends and family you leave behind, now you can gift items of sentimental value collected through your real travel plans. Or if you're more of the hoarding type, you can trade in your souvenirs for exclusive Jetset travel accessories.

Key Jetset features:

  • Play 100 different airports from around the world and earn unique location-based souvenirs
  • Strip search travelers for fun
  • Confiscate dangerous travel items like pressurized cheese — all inspired by real events in airport security
  • Game automatically selects the airport you are in or near based on available location services
  • Collect and play with souvenirs in your personal snowglobe, or share them with friends on Facebook
  • Facebook gifts you give can be downloaded by your friends into the iPhone/iPod Touch Snowglobe App (sold separately)
  • Unlock silver, gold, and platinum souvenirs based on your performance — just like your favorite airline loyalty program
  • Are you a real jet setter? Redeem collections of souvenirs from different airports for exclusive Jetset travel trophies
  • Highscore lists: local, global, and by airport

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